Looking forward to the return of Jesus

Saturday, December 25, 2010

the bottom Line

We grew up in the sixties and seventies and our fathers coached little league football and our mothers served on the PTA and garden club and we were supposedly educated with the finest public education that ever graced the earth. Only in our middle age were we allowed to discover the truth that was hid from us, that this free market we were raised with, supply and demand, inflation and recession, was a big Lie. That the money powers had stripped the whole infrastructure down and replaced it with a controlled fiat market, that price was as controlled as was inflation as was demand, that real money was taken away and replaced by credit and debit, that our parents were totally duped with this big Lie and lived merrily along its path like the controlled morons of sci-fi movies that tried in vain to show them how much more they were like them and not what they thought they were.

And the brain-washing goes on. Every day we read some insipid Lie about some pointless action that supposedly has acted as a trigger for the latest rise in crude prices ... as if any such free market existed. Meanwhile, speculators jack up price to the desired level, irrespective of record profits still receiving additional "subsidized" grants from our taxes. Or "analysts" who have surmised that the housing prices have hit a "bottom" or other such nonsense about some imagined market totally removed from reality, while back on Wall Street the faucets are still turned off and the credit is still being tightened; the only real action that will affect prices.

The bottom Line is we have been Lied to... by our parents, who were totally duped. We live in the age of big brother. Like, THX 1138, we are utterly controlled and don't know it, neither are we seeking to escape it. But some of us are driven out, anyway. And if you do reach the surface, how will you survive fending for yourself? Without the paps of the state's economy? Who amongst us will dare to reject the mark of the Beast? Even if we do recognize it.