Looking forward to the return of Jesus

Friday, December 30, 2011

Human habitat in outer space

China is going to try to send humans to the moon.

40 years later.

But it will take a major effort to get there, and China has the fastest computers in the world. They have set no time table, they are being realistic.

Compare that to the speed (and ease) with which we went to the moon. Apollo 10 returned to mother earth May 21, 1969. Apollo 11 lifted off July 16,1969. That's 56 days. That's all it took in 1969 to get Apollo 11 off the ground. Boy, it sure was easy to go to the moon in 1969. The white paper that was just released by the Chinese was 5 years in the writing; and that was just to look at such a huge undertaking.

The USA announced it would return to the moon in 2005. What was the timetable for that mission? 15 years... and after five years we were way behind schedule and scrapped the whole project. But it only took 56 days the first time we went there. Why the huge discrepancy?

The answer is simple... this time, we are looking at REALLY sending humans to the moon; and it is still beyond our reach. Building a habitat to orbit the earth at a height of 200 miles is quite an achievement, but building a habitat that actually leaves low earth orbit, penetrates the Van Allen belts and endures total submergence in the solar wind and rays requires vastly greater technological advances if you want the humans to live. We aren't even ready to handle the radiation poisoning. Let alone the micrometeorites that buzz along at 50,000 mph and faster. Then there's the matter of heat buildup... as long as you orbit the earth, you cycle between the sun and the shadow of the earth; heat is not a problem... but once you leave low earth orbit, you are in the sun and only the sun the entire trip. Once you penetrate the Van Allen belts, you are in the solar wind the same way. That means heat and radiation poisoning, non-stop.

Okay, we have never been there. How do you know that? Easy. None of the Apollo craft had any cooling for the cabin. Three inch skin of aluminum absorbs sun rays, and very quickly reaches a temperature of 250 degrees F. That is no sweat for a robotic mission, the aluminum skin can handle 250 degrees F and there is no transmission of heat where there is no air... so the equipment inside the cabin is perfectly cool. But on the Apollo missions there was a pressurized cabin, so you have convex heat of 250 degrees F building up in the cabin with no way to dissipate that heat... and no cooling system. Water boils at 220 degrees F. The human body is 90% water. There is no heat exchange with a total vacuum, so there's nothing taking that 250 degrees F off the outside of the aluminum skin of the craft.

You could argue that there are ways to cool the cabin, but all such argument is rhetorical. The bottom line is Apollo cabins had no cooling system. Why not? Because NASA circumvented it by pretending that space travel to the moon was a cold event. Look at the Apollo 13 mission; they had to shut down cabin systems and the result was a chilly cabin in the 40's; the astronauts had to put their suits on for warmth.

The day after Nixon signed the document ending the Vietnam war, he cancelled the entire Apollo program on a dime. Apollo 18 mission was already completely purchased, everything was built, paid for, and ready to go. The crews were already selected and trained and ... weren't needed to distract the kids from the war anymore.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

free the world from the free market Lie

Saturday, December 25, 2010

the bottom Line

We grew up in the sixties and seventies and our fathers coached little league football and our mothers served on the PTA and garden club and we were supposedly educated with the finest public education that ever graced the earth. Only in our middle age were we allowed to discover the truth that was hid from us, that this free market we were raised with, supply and demand, inflation and recession, was a big Lie. That the money powers had stripped the whole infrastructure down and replaced it with a controlled fiat market, that price was as controlled as was inflation as was demand, that real money was taken away and replaced by credit and debit, that our parents were totally duped with this big Lie and lived merrily along its path like the controlled morons of sci-fi movies that tried in vain to show them how much more they were like them and not what they thought they were.

And the brain-washing goes on. Every day we read some insipid Lie about some pointless action that supposedly has acted as a trigger for the latest rise in crude prices ... as if any such free market existed. Meanwhile, speculators jack up price to the desired level, irrespective of record profits still receiving additional "subsidized" grants from our taxes. Or "analysts" who have surmised that the housing prices have hit a "bottom" or other such nonsense about some imagined market totally removed from reality, while back on Wall Street the faucets are still turned off and the credit is still being tightened; the only real action that will affect prices.

The bottom Line is we have been Lied to... by our parents, who were totally duped. We live in the age of big brother. Like, THX 1138, we are utterly controlled and don't know it, neither are we seeking to escape it. But some of us are driven out, anyway. And if you do reach the surface, how will you survive fending for yourself? Without the paps of the state's economy? Who amongst us will dare to reject the mark of the Beast? Even if we do recognize it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Changed?

What rules America?
Secret societies.
Wall Street banks.
Rule by money manipulation.
Obama hasn't scratched the status quo.
The beat goes on.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

regulation watches, while restructuring changes

We, as a nation, are not wise. Right now, our government should be providing zero interest government loans to owner occupied homes, without regard to credit rating, based purely upon 20% equity and issued through employment of a reverse bond placed by GSEs whose stock needs to be nationalized. This would cure the money supply of the whole nation, stop the foreclosure epidemic, stabilize the economy, and pay down the national debt. It would not inflate the money supply, and it would build home equity over the long haul and finally destroy the cyclical nature of bank loans that currently provide funding to the market. In other words, while we should be restructuring the entire market, we are instead replacing regulations stripped away during the Bush administration... which will not stop the general decline of the nation. So we are watching the ship sink instead of repairing the damage and pumping out the water in the hull.

The main culprit for our mutual stupidity is the lack of education from our public schools. Finance should be taught in Junior and Senior High School; and required in large measure to garner a high school diploma. The total lack of classroom education is what produces a complete lack of direction from our leadership and fosters a market that is rife with scams, thefts, and basic deception. Ultimately, our whole method of money creation is feeding our own demise. Bond based currency, or as it is often described "debt currency" is a self defeating system of funding. Instead of enriching the nation, as the silver dollar was performing, this method of borrowing bank money - created in our mints for us to obtain through sale of bonds - boils down to us borrowing our own money from the private sector, instead of creating it for the private sector to borrow from us. That has to be reversed, and a big way to reverse that is to provide government home loans funded by Treasury created issue; a reverse bond simply means that when the GSE funds the loan it does so by placing a bond owed back to the Treasury. So the Treasury is printing money owed to the Treasury instead of printing money owed by the Treasury to private sector banks.

systemic risk or shaping the system?

Goldman Sachs would have you believe that they were reacting to the market. Ever the vigilant bankers they were and are, they covered their tracks, yada, yada, yada, okay, maybe we shorted the exact same cdo's we sold, these things happen... oh sure they happen!! ...especially when you are more than just a major player, Goldman Sachs is a market shaper, Goldman Sachs produces the people that end up running the Federal Reserve, our last two Secretaries of the Treasury have come directly from the ranks of Goldman Sachs. To sit and listen to Mr. Blankfein feign that he doesn't think they knew in 2007 that the new mortgage origination market was going south... bullshit! They not only knew, they were the force that sent it south. Claire McCaskkill said that in fairness to Blankfein there ought to be another four or five CEO's sitting up there with him; wrong Claire!, Goldman was not a bit player in a larger market, the whole point in drawing him out is to make the distinction that Goldman is an engineer of the market... sure, Bank Of America, JPMorgan, Citibank, and Lehman Brothers were also heavy into the same game; but Goldman was the leader. Lehman Brothers, Citibank, and Bank of America suffered major damage from this market crash, but mysteriously, Goldman came through the same market, which they delved into the heaviest, and came out of it unscathed.

Subprime Lenders (banks that table the money at Title) melted down in droves. Why? Because the secondary market closed down the warehouse lines that the Lenders use to close the loans. So, point blank, the large banks shut down the entire industry; they were not innocent bystanders, they ran the market and they shut the market down. When did the subprime Lenders start to disappear? Autumn 2005. By summertime 2006, only the largest of them survived, and the largest (Countrywide) was saved by Bank of America while their stock was dissolving into thin air. So, look at the time frame. The big banks started closing the market down in the Autumn of 2005, but Blankfein tells the Senate, today, that he didn't know in 2007 that the market was headed south. They sent it south, beginning in 2005.

Again, when Clare was trying to nail the guy on the nature of synthetic credit default swaps as purely bets, with no respect to any function on main street, and Blankfein tries to weasel out of that by comparing them to futures on oil, which do act to price oil; completely the point she was making; synthetic credit default swaps do not perform to shape the market, they do not, for instance, act to price homes, so he was lying through his teeth... again. Covering up their real role in those synthetic credit default swaps, which everybody in the room knows was to bet against the cdo's they sold in 2007, which they clearly knew was junk.

What never gets brought to light, is how the whole market works. Goldman Sachs is the lead engineer in a global money market that runs on the dollar... printed by the Federal Reserve; where Goldman Sachs is the lead stockholder... these guys are way more than bystanders, and way more than bit players, they are the team captains, coaches, and booster club. To say they didn't know the game plan is nonsense, they drew up the game plan, they executed the game plan.

Friday, April 23, 2010

chemtrails, honey bees, and calamities

okay, let's get down to the stark truth here, our sons-a-bitches governments have been spraying poisonous chemicals into our skies; heavily, since early 1999. bastards. You may think spraying poison into the sky is a good thing, but you would be wrong. The fallout from this program is killing honey bee populations... and not just by a small amount. As of this writing, America has lost something like half her honey bees. Have you paid for a jar of honey lately? There's a lot of plants and flowers that rely on the honey bee to reproduce. Of course, the governments love to lie and pretend that they are not spraying our skies with poison... but the chemtrails are up there every sunny day, and chemtrails are not contrails.

There's going to be hell to pay for this evil practice. When you play with mother nature, pay-back is a bitch. There's a verse in the New Testament that states God will destroy those who destroy the earth.